about binary, decimal, octal and hex conversion for Python(파이썬으로 2진법 8진법 10진법 16진법 변환)
binary and decimal conversion
binary → decimal : The multiplier of 2 increases by one
$1010101(2) -> 2^6 + 2^4 + 2^2 + 2^0 = 64 + 16 + 4 +1 = 85$
decimal → binary : Divide by 2 each time
= (42)2 + 1 = 85
= (21)2 + 0 = 42
= (10)2 + 1 = 21
= (5)2 + 0 = 10
= (2)2 + 1 =5
=(1)2 + 0 = 2
=(0)*2 + 1 = 1
→ 1010101#2->10 def binary_to_decimal(binary): decimal = 0 temp = list(str(binary)) length = len(temp) for i, e in enumerate(temp): if e == '1': decimal += 2**(length -1 - i) return int(decimal) #10->2 def decimal_to_binary(decimal): temp = deque() q,r = divmod(int(decimal), 2) temp.appendleft(r) while q != 0: q,r = divmod(q, 2) temp.appendleft(r) binary = ''.join(list(map(str, temp))) return str(binary)
binary and hex conversion
binary → hex
1110011011(2) -> 0011/1001/1011$$$$2^1+2^0/2^3+2^0/2^3+2^1+2^0 =
3/9/11 =0x39B$$hex → binary
$$0x39B → 3/9/B$$
#2->16 def binary_to_hexadecimal(binary): binary = list(str(binary)) for _ in range(4 - len(binary)%4): binary.insert(0, 0) answer = deque() t = 0 temp = 0 while binary: n = int(binary.pop()) if n == 1: temp += 2**t t+=1 if t = 4: if temp >=10: temp += 55 answer.appendleft(chr(temp)) else:answer.appendleft(str(temp)) t = 0 temp = 0 answer.appendleft('0x') answer = ''.join(answer) return str(answer) #16->2 def hexadecimal_to_binary(hexadecimal): answer = [] temp = list(hexadecimal[2:]) for e in temp: if e.isalpha(): n = ord(e) - 55 else: n = int(e) n = str(decimal_to_binary(n)) while len(n) != 4: n=''.join(['0', n]) answer.append(n) answer = ''.join(answer) answer = answer.lstrip('0') return str(n)
decimal and hex conversion
decimal → hex
10 = A
11 = B
12 = C
13 = D
14 = E
15 = F127
= (7)16 + 15
= (0)16 + 7
→ 0x7Fhex -> decimal
$$7F -> 16^17 +16^015 = 112 + 15 =127$$
#10->16 def decimal_to_hexadecimal(decimal): answer = [] temp = deque() q,r = divmod(int(decimal), 16) temp.appendleft(r) while q != 0: q,r = divmod(q, 2) temp.appendleft(r) for e in temp: if e >=10: e += 55 answer.appendleft(chr(e)) else:answer.appendleft(str(e)) answer.appendleft('0x') hexadecimal = ''.join(answer) return str(hexadecimal) #16->10 def hexadecimal_to_decimal(hexadecimal): answer = 0 hexa = list(hexadecimal[2:].upper()) length = len(hexa) for i,e in enumerate(hexa): if e.isalpha(): answer += (ord(e)-55)*(16**(length-1-i)) else: answer += (16**(length-1-i))*int(e) return int(answer)
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